Fatty Liver Treatment in Ayurveda

Reduce Excess Fat & Strengthen Liver Functions with Natural Medicines, Treatment, Yoga, Lifestyle & Diet Suggestions

Fatty Liver Treatment in Ayurveda

Reduce Excess Fat & Strengthen Liver Functions with Natural Medicines, Treatment, Yoga, Lifestyle & Diet Suggestions

What is Fatty Liver?

The liver is the largest and one of the most vital organs of the human body. It helps in processing the nutrients from food and drinks and filters toxic substances from the blood. Some fat always remains inside the liver, but if the fat goes nearly 5% to 10% of the liver weight, it can generate severe complications. A liver with such high content of fat is known as a fatty liver and it is a serious condition. It is essential to bring down the fat content with proper treatment and decrease its drastic effects on the overall health of the human body.

Types of Fatty Liver

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

The fat build-up, in this case, is due to an unhealthy diet and lots of carbohydrates. Usually, it is not inflammatory in nature and doesn’t result in too many complications. But if the patient experiences inflammations despite being non-alcoholic, it is known as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.

Alcoholic Fatty Liver

When the fat deposition crosses the healthy limit due to excess alcohol consumption, the problem is known as alcoholic fatty liver disease. If left untreated or ignored for long, it may result in wounds in the liver or liver damage. Patients suffering from this problem must quit alcohol immediately.

Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy

It is a very rate complication but a serious one. The exact cause of this problem is not known. It needs to be treated as soon as the problem is diagnosed. Any delays may pose serious health risks for both the mother and the baby.

Causes or Symptoms of Fatty Liver

Swollen Belly
Yellowish Skin and Eyes
Fatigue and Tiredness
pain or discomfort

Swollen belly, yellowish skin, eyes, fatigue, tiredness in the body, vomiting sensation, indigestion, and pain or discomfort in the upper right abdomen are the main symptoms of fatty liver.

Causes of Fatty Liver

Obesity, Insulin resistance, high blood sugar, a high-fat diet with no or limited physical activities, elevated blood lipids, especially triglycerides, alcohol use, and liver infections are the leading causes of fatty liver disease.

Preventions for Fatty Liver

The prevention of fatty liver lies in a simple and healthy lifestyle. It includes both diet and daily routine. Here are some additional points that may provide better guidance:

  • If you have a long history of alcohol consumption, then you must join a reform program or therapy to quit alcohol altogether.
  • Focus on maintaining a healthy weight.
  • If you are diabetic and have a doctor-prescribed diet chart, please stick to it.
  • Always keep a check on your cholesterol, blood sugar, and triglycerides levels. It doesn’t matter if you are diabetic or not, these levels should always stay within permitted limits.
  • Make it a routine to exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. It will help to avoid several problems including a fatty liver.

Diagnosis and Fatty Liver Treatment in Ayurveda

Still, an ultrasonography scan (USG) confirms the diagnosis of fatty liver. Prakash Nethralaya follows a holistic approach to provide effective relief in all these symptoms with Fatty Liver Treatment in Ayurveda. Non-alcoholic fatty liver and Alcoholic fatty liver are the two clinical subtypes of the disease.

Ayurveda describes the liver as a site of Pitta. Pitta in the liver helps in the proper digestion and energy transformation. Excess fat in the liver leads to vitiation of Pitta dosha leading to several symptoms. Vitiated Pitta leads to the formation of toxic material called ‘Aam’, which ultimately results in systemic complications.

Ayurvedic treatment for fatty liver disease aims to correct the vitiated Pitta dosha. Vaman and Virechan are robust cleansing procedures for the liver. Various ayurvedic medicines for fatty liver disease like Kutaki, Bhumyamalaki, Triphala, Aloe vera, and many others ensure liver support and strengthening. Diet, yoga, exercise, and lifestyle maintain the normal functioning of the liver.

Our Approach To Fatty Liver Treatment

Ayurvedic Treatment

Our Ayurveda doctors deeply explore all the clinical aspects of the patient. The patient's daily routine, diet pattern, and other lifestyle aspects indicate the disease's root cause. Accordingly, the doctor prepares the treatment plan based on the Ayurveda medicines, diet suggestions, and Panchakarma therapies for advanced cases. The disease is entirely curable, and it may take about six months to even a year for the complete cure of the disease. A patient with fatty liver can even consult over an online video consultation to conclude the exact prognosis and treatment line.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes for Fatty Liver

  • Eat a nutrient-rich, plant-based, low-calorie, and low-fat natural diet. Exercise for 30-45 minutes a day is crucial for active metabolism.
  • Altogether avoid the non-vegetarian diet, fried food, bakery food items, aerated cold drinks, fast food, and other processed foodstuffs.
  • 30 ml aloe vera juice in the morning and 1 tsp of Triphala Choorna at night can be practised regularly to avoid fatty liver disease.
Diet Plan and Lifestyle Changes

The Benefits of Ayurveda for Fatty liver treatment at Prakash Nethralaya

Investigates The Root Cause

The Ayurvedic approach to illness looks for the fundamental causes of the disease rather than symptoms. The main causative factor of the disease is removed from the patient's daily routine. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment is decided from the available two directions as per the classics. First one is Shodhan (detoxification) to clean the body with the help of Panchakarma therapies and the another is Shaman (balancing the doshas) by using Ayurveda medicines, diet correction and lifestyle adjustments. Detoxification with Panchakarma improves the efficacy of Ayurveda medicines in chronic and advanced cases.

Medicines Are Safe To Take

Ayurveda medications are not manufactured in a synthetic or chemical form but in their natural state. Because of this, the herbs are gentle on the body, and there is no chance of side effect or adverse reactions, regardless of the length of time the patient takes them. At Prakash Nethralaya, we use the best quality Ayurveda medicines to ensure the safest and fastest recovery. There is in house processing and dispensing of the medicines for our patients. A few medicines are made available from the good manufacturing companies also.

Uses Holistic Strategy

Ayurveda is based on the idea that each person has a distinct personality and body type and, as a result, their treatment. Ayurveda places more emphasis on treating the patient rather than treating the ailment. The physical composition of two different people with the same ailment may need a different therapeutic approach. An Ayurveda expert at Prakash Nethralaya uses this body type analysis and then reaches at a conclusion of diagnosis and the line of treatment. Accordingly our doctors prescribe the diet, lifestyle changes, yoga, Ayurveda medicines, and Panchakarma therapies.