Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes

Control Diabetes and Prevent Complications with Ayurvedic Medicines and Diet Suggestions

Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes

Control Diabetes and Prevent Complications with Ayurvedic Medicines and Diet Suggestions

Let’s Know about Diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that affects a considerable part of the global population. As a sedentary lifestyle, over-consumption of junk food, and a stressful lifestyle is becoming a normal part of our lives, so are diseases like diabetes. Though it is not as fatal as cancer or heart attack, it can still affect the quality of life by increasing the risk of several other diseases. It is best to work on diabetes control and prevention through the best possible methods.

What Is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that affects the way our body consumes blood sugar or glucose. Glucose is a prime source of energy and plays a key role in the generation, repair, and growth of cells and tissues. It is also the fuel for our brain. It increases the sugar level in blood triggering several other serious health problems. Diabetes cannot be reversed which is why it is essential to keep it under check through the healthiest possible methods. Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes offers the most promising results through herbal medications, therapies, and a naturally healthy lifestyle.

Diagnosis Treatment For Diabetes

When the above-given symptoms are noted in a patient, blood tests are done to check the blood sugar levels. Ayurvedic texts describe Diabetes as Prameha and Madhumeha and classify it into 20 categories. Herbal medicines and detoxifying Panchakarma therapies like Vasti, Vamana, and Virechana are used to manage diabetes and improve the metabolism of the patient. Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes increases insulin sensitivity and decreases insulin resistance in the patient’s body. Regular exercises like Yoga and Pranayama further improve the metabolism and blood circulation that slowly improves overall health and immunity of the human body.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes

Diabetes patients need to be extra careful about their diet. They need to stay away from sugar, fried, over-spicy, and junk food. Along with medication, they must exercise regularly to consume the sugar generated by their regular simple meals. Fibre-rich food, fruits, and salads essentially need to be a part of the diet.

Lifestyle Changes and CSR Diet Plan

Types of Diabetes

Diabetes has been classified into a few categories:

  • Type 1 Diabetes: It is an autoimmune disease that attacks and destroys pancreatic cells, the producers of insulin. The exact causes of these attacks are yet unknown.
  • Type 2 Diabetes: When our body resists insulin and sugar levels start rising in the blood it is type 2 diabetes.
  • Prediabetes: When the blood sugar level rises over the normal levels, it is classified as prediabetes.
  • Gestational Diabetes: It is a temporary condition that occurs during pregnancy. The placenta products insulin-blocking hormones that increase the blood sugar level of the mother.

Causes of Diabetes

  • Type 1 Diabetes: The exact cause of type 1 diabetes is yet to be found. But it leads to malfunctioning of the immune system that destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.
  • Type 2 Diabetes: The disease is rooted in genetic issues and lifestyle factors. Overweight people including those with extra belly fat have a higher tendency of getting type 2 diabetes. It is a heredity problem that is shared by family members.
  • Gestational Diabetes: Overweight women or those who gain too much weight during pregnancy are more vulnerable to gestational diabetes.
Both environmental and genetic factors have an important role in triggering diabetes.

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

Unexpected Weight Loss
Frequent Urination
Extreme Hunger & Thirst
Cut Sores Slow Healing
  • General Symptoms: Increased thirst and hunger, weight loss, blurry vision, extreme fatigue, wounds or sores that wouldn’t heal, and frequent urination.
  • Type 1 Diabetes: Extreme hunger, tiredness, blurry vision, frequent urination, and weight loss.
  • Type 2 Diabetes: Same as diabetes 1 along with sores that heal very slowly.
  • Gestational Diabetes: Women suffering from gestational diabetes have no symptoms. High blood sugar levels are identified after regular tests and proper medication is given to the lady till it gets back to normal.

Risks Factors in Diabetes

  • Heart diseases, stroke, and heart attack.
  • Nephropathy
  • Neuropathy
  • Hearing loss
  • Dementia
  • Skin problems like fungal and bacterial infections
  • Sores
  • Retinopathy or vision loss
  • Foot damage like sores and infections
  • Jaundice
  • Stillbirth
  • Low blood sugar
  • Premature birth

Diabetes Prevention

  • Cut down to refined carbs and sugar from your regular diet.
  • Get in the habit of working out regularly.
  • Stay away from smoking and over-consumption of alcohol.
  • Try to avoid sedentary behaviours.
  • Learn to drink more water and avoid carbonated drinks and sugary beverages.
  • If you are overweight, work out ways to bring it down under a manageable margin.
  • If you are planning to start a family then you must bring your weight under control.
  • Watch the portion size while eating to reduce the risk for high blood sugar.
  • Vitamin D is considered very important in controlling blood sugar level.

The Benefits of Ayurveda for Diabetes treatment at Prakash Nethralaya

Investigates The Root Cause

The Ayurvedic approach to illness looks for the fundamental causes of the disease rather than symptoms. The main causative factor of the disease is removed from the patient's daily routine. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment is decided from the available two directions as per the classics. First one is Shodhan (detoxification) to clean the body with the help of Panchakarma therapies and the another is Shaman (balancing the doshas) by using Ayurveda medicines, diet correction and lifestyle adjustments. Detoxification with Panchakarma improves the efficacy of Ayurveda medicines in chronic and advanced cases.

Medicines Are Safe To Take

Ayurveda medications are not manufactured in a synthetic or chemical form but in their natural state. Because of this, the herbs are gentle on the body, and there is no chance of side effect or adverse reactions, regardless of the length of time the patient takes them. At Prakash Nethralaya, we use the best quality Ayurveda medicines to ensure the safest and fastest recovery. There is in house processing and dispensing of the medicines for our patients. A few medicines are made available from the good manufacturing companies also.

Uses Holistic Strategy

Ayurveda is based on the idea that each person has a distinct personality and body type and, as a result, their treatment. Ayurveda places more emphasis on treating the patient rather than treating the ailment. The physical composition of two different people with the same ailment may need a different therapeutic approach. An Ayurveda expert at Prakash Nethralaya uses this body type analysis and then reaches at a conclusion of diagnosis and the line of treatment. Accordingly our doctors prescribe the diet, lifestyle changes, yoga, Ayurveda medicines, and Panchakarma therapies.