keratoconus ayurvedic treatment

Restore Clear Vision with Ayurvedic Treatment for Keratoconus

Do you feel the bulging in the cornea of your eyes? This condition is known as keratoconus which is defined as bulging out of the cornea which causes a severe impact on vision. According to the standard solution, there is no permanent solution for this condition in conventional medical treatment. Although we can provide a certain level of relief with associated symptoms. However, the keratoconus treatment in Ayurveda has a unique holistic approach. This ancient Indian medicine system is designed to balance the overall body system. 

Keratoconus and Ayurveda

Ayurvedic treatments are safe with a good practitioner. These medical treatments have fewer side effects and they could be linked with other conventional medical treatments like coronal cross-linking or contact lenses. The combined comprehensive effect of these treatments is very effective. 

When you decide on the ayurvedic treatment of keratoconus you need to understand the basic treatment theory. Ayurveda believes in balancing the three vital energies or doshas. The vital energy is Vata Pitta and Kapha. These three energies govern various elements of the body. Vata governs air and space, Pitta governs heat while Kapha is responsible for circulation. These three energies need to be balanced with the help of several treatment modifications and remedies. 

Symptoms of keratoconus

Keratoconus is not a simple disease but it shows the progressive effect with time. Here are some common symptoms you should know about keratoconus. 

  • One of the common symptoms is blurriness in vision. It appeared for the first time.
  • The person suffering from this condition sees various wavy and curvy lines.
  • Another thing is the increased sensitivity to bright light. It is not the usual sensitivity but it is more than usual.
  • The person finds it difficult to see even the slightest bright light. 
  • If you are changing your prescribed glass very frequently then it could be because of this condition.
  • You know some people even face double vision problems.
  • Astigmatism is also one of the symptoms of keratoconus. 
  • You might find it a bit difficult to see in low-light areas.
  • Some cases have reported that they get a lightning headache when they glare at a headlight or sunlight.

These are some symptoms that are generally diagnosed with this condition. The frequency and severity of the stage of this condition. It may be a mild symptom or a serious symptom in the later stage.

Causes of keratoconus 

It is difficult to conclude the exact cause of keratoconus. This is because several factors are contributing to this condition. Here is the list of possible causes for keratoconus. 

  1. If you have a strong family history of keratoconus then you are at a significantly high risk. The genetic predisposition has a very important relation especially if a close relative has this condition.
  2. Certain genes for the eyes have undergone specific genetic mutations. These genetic mutations are identified as keratoconus in some individuals. The genetic component is mutated because of external and internal factors.
  3. Do you know excessive eye rubbing, especially when you are sleeping can affect the cornea? If you have these habits you should stop because they may make your cornea weak and cause bulging.
  4. If you have chronic eye inflammation then you should get yourself checked for keratoconus. 
  5. The people who have extra exposure to UV radiation can have a high risk of keratoconus condition
  6. Down syndrome individuals have a high risk of developing keratoconus.
  7. The genetic disorder Ehler-Danlos syndrome affects the connective tissues and increases the risk of eye problems.
  8. Rheumatoid arthritis and osteogenesis imperfecta can also increase the risk as well. 
  9. Hormonal changes in pregnancy and menopause can also affect. cornea.

These are some important causes that suggest a possible reason behind keratoconus. But the exact cause differs according to the individual whether it is because of genetic mutation or environmental factors. 

Ayurvedic treatment of keratoconus 

Ayurveda is a very evolved ancient Indian system of medicine which is known for its holistic approach. It is beneficial for treating various conditions. 

Diet modification: 

Ayurvedic practitioners are required to read a plan based on individual conditions and vital energy constitution. You know every individual has a different constitution of energy and their specific balance is required to maintain the perfect body. In keratoconus, pitta is very important. The spicy, sour or salty food items can increase the pitta dosha. It is recommended to take sweet and bitter food, especially astringent food, to restore the balance. Another thing is high antioxidant, vitamin and mineral-rich foods for better health of eyes and inflammation.

Modification of lifestyle:

It is important to change the habits that are affecting our lives a lot. Not only the patient but we should have a regular sleep of at least eight hours. It helps in repairing the body and regenerating for better health of the eyes. The major reason for many diseases is stress and chronic stress is related directly to eye strain. It also causes inflammation. People should regularly go for ayurvedic techniques of yoga and meditation to manage stress. 

One of the most important things is the hygiene of the eyes. We should wash our hands before touching our eyes. It’s a big no to rub your eyes excessively because they can irritate and cause infection.

Herbs for keratoconus 

The most important herb is Triphala which is influential in balancing doshas. The unique mixture will detoxify and rejuvenate the body. It also cleans the digestive tract to support better eye health. Amalaki is a rich antioxidant fruit with a lot of vitamin C. It protects the connective tissues of the eyes. It also helps in the reduction of inflammation. Some other herbs like Ashwagandha shatavari Trikatu and Punarnava also help in treating keratoconus.

Therapy for keratoconus 

Ayurveda is not limited to herbs or exercise but also has important therapies. Panchakarma is a detoxification therapy that helps in restoring balance and removing toxins from the body. It is very beneficial for individuals suffering from keratoconus. Another therapy is Abhyanga which is gentle massaging of temple areas with warm herbal oil. It helps in the relaxation of muscles, better blood flow, and reduces stress. Another therapy is Nasya which involves medicated oil infusion from the nose. It helps in combating the dryness of the eyes and restoring the tissues.

Exercises for eyes 

The Ayurvedic practitioner will give specific exercises to strengthen the muscles around the eyes. Some of these specific exercises are very useful in improving the blood circulation and reducing the strain. Some exercises like blinking, focusing on objects, and palming are commonly used. But the practitioner will tell more exercises accordingly.


Keratoconus is not a simple disease but a progressive eye condition. This condition requires a proper approach for an individual. In Ayurveda, they address major imbalances in the doshas and treat them with a perfect plan. With the help of dietary modification exercises therapy and herbs Ayurvedic treatment has revealed major changes in the body. 

At Prakash Nethralaya Rajasthan, we are providing a dedicated team that focuses on holistic keratoconus treatment. From small changes to bigger symptoms, everything is used to identify the patient’s condition. 

For online booking, you can consult online at Prakash Nethralaya