Ayurvedic treatment of glaucoma

Case Studies: Ayurvedic Treatment Success Stories for Glaucoma

Are you facing blurry vision problems? It indicates some later symptoms of glaucoma because this condition doesn’t show symptoms early. It is a specific eye condition where the optic nerve gets damaged and the visual information transmitted from the eye to the brain is hindered. It is also known as the silent thief of vision because it slowly develops and affects the vision gradually without giving any noticeable symptoms at an early age. If the condition is left untreated then it causes irreversible loss of vision. Generally, the surgery is a good option for glaucoma. 

Glaucoma treatment in Ayurveda has an excellent result because it focuses on balancing the vital energy of the body. If there is an imbalance in the doshas, it can cause a lot of pressure to the intraocular reason, damaging the optic nerve. The three vital energies Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are responsible for managing the potential of the body. If there is excess of any energy then it can affect the functioning of the body. 

Ayurvedic concept for glaucoma

It is important to understand the Ayurvedic concept of balancing doshas and the access of any dosha can result in some severe problems related to them. 

  • Vata: The excessive amount of this energy can cause dryness, degeneration of tissues, and the effect on the optic nerve. 
  • Pitta: The pitta increase can cause inflammation and heating of the eye. It is a potential contributor to glaucoma and this requires to be in control especially. It is important to have proper digestive health for it. 
  • Kapha: The Kapha increase can cause congestion and stagnation of the fluid of the eyes which affects the intraocular pressure of the eyes.

Common Ayurvedic approach used for treatment of glaucoma 

Some common approaches that are helpful in the treatment of glaucoma include: 

  • Using herbal remedies and herbs like Ashwagandha, Amala, and Triphala helps in balancing vital energies. These herbs are known for reducing inflammation as well.
  • Exercise of the eyes is important to improve blood circulation and it helps preference the optic nerve. These eye movements and exercise are very beneficial for glaucoma treatment. 
  • It is important to opt for a nutrient-rich diet to has a lot of fruits and vegetables with whole grains that help in the overall support of health. 
  • Along with her diet and exercise it is important to manage stress and get enough sleep for better health of eyes. 

Success stories for glaucoma.

Many individuals have a positive result with Ayurvedic treatment of glaucoma and they find it more beneficial in their overall help. Here are some case studies that are showing visible and best results.

The improved intraocular pressure 

A 65-year-old man who has been suffering from open-angle glaucoma for a long time has gone under Ayurvedic treatment. He had the combination treatment with Ayurvedic herb exercise of eyes and change in food habits. The patient has a significant reduction in the intraocular pressure which leads to improving vision and decreasing the loss of vision risk. The patient also talked about a better and healthier body. He also had improvement in his digestive habits and felt lighter.

Slow down glaucoma progression.

A young woman had been checked for glaucoma in his early stages. She opted for the Ayurvedic treatment for better functioning of the eyes. The Ayurvedic treatment of eye drops herbal formulation and essential modification in lifestyle. The Ayurvedic treatment has an effective result in slowing down the progression of glaucoma. It allows her to maintain her vision for a long period without any surgical treatment. She also had a rejuvenating feeling after the treatment. The young woman has regained her eyesight and had a good life. The Ayurvedic treatment has given her a new life for adventurous future endeavours.

Relieved from glaucoma symptoms 

There was a 70-year-old woman who was suffering from an advanced stage of glaucoma. She had gone under Ayurvedic massage, eye exercise and herbal remedies. The ayurvedic treatment helped her a lot in making significant improvements in her eyes. She also experiences fewer symptoms like eye pain and blurry vision. She also improved after several years of suffering from glaucoma.

Improvement in vision

A 55-year-old patient was suffering from an advanced stage of glaucoma and he had extreme symptoms which made life a bit difficult for them. The patient has gone under the Ayurvedic treatment which combines her lifestyle modification and exercises. According to the patient, he had improved the vision quality and it also helped in reducing night blindness. He also felt less sensitive to bright light after we started the treatment.

Delaying the surgery

There was a 40-year-old woman who had been suffering from open-angle glaucoma and she was having severe symptoms of eye pain. She had Ayurvedic panchakarma therapy herbal massage and Ayurvedic stress management. The patient was prescribed to have surgery as soon as possible but after the Ayurvedic treatment, she was able to delay the need for surgery for several years. After the treatment, she also felt better results in her vision.

Reduce the pressure in the eyes 

A 72-year-old woman was suffering from glaucoma and she opted for ayurvedic massage and herbal eye drops with essential dietary changes. She had noticed the reduced pressure in her eyes. She felt less tired and uncomfortable and was able to enjoy her hobbies more. This glaucoma had become manageable after the Ayurvedic treatment and massage therapy.

Better well-being and manageable glaucoma 

A 60-year-old man was suffering from a severe case of glaucoma but it was identified earlier. After going for so many conventional treatments the only option left was surgery. After going for ayurvedic treatment the person was able to manage the symptoms of glaucoma with improvement in overall health. He felt a more energetic balance and a positive effect on the quality of life.

Important things after the treatment 

There are a lot of success stories with Ayurvedic treatment of glaucoma but it is important to understand that even after the treatment the person needs proper care and regular examination. If glaucoma is detected in early stages it becomes easier to manage the treatment and symptoms but in extreme cases, it requires a long-term treatment.

The treatment of glaucoma generally involves lowering the intraocular pressure but the severe cases require laser surgery. It is important to prevent glaucoma with regular I treatment and early detection but if you have any history of I disease or genetic history of glaucoma it is important to see doctors regularly. The people who are working on fine art and require the precise use of eyes should also get a check for glaucoma to avoid the complexity.


Glaucoma is a serious condition and it can cause serious irreversible vision loss. However early detection and appropriate glaucoma treatment in Ayurveda help many people to maintain good vision. For any concern about your eyes, you should consult Ayurvedic eye specialist Prakash Nethralaya.

At Prakash Nethralaya Rajasthan we offer essential Ayurvedic remedies for improvement in intraocular pressure by delaying the progression of disease and enhancing vision quality. It is beneficial for the long-term health and well-being of individuals. For online booking, you can consult online at Prakash Nethralaya.