Ayurvedic Eye Treatment

Various Ayurvedic Procedures, Medicines & Preventive Eye Care Can Cure Eye Diseases Naturally
We all talk about eye treatments but often overlook the question of what makes a treatment best. The right treatment for the eyes not only works on rectification of a given problem but also breaks down its root cause to ensure long term relief and full recovery. The modern world eye treatments are best when one needs immediate relief from the effects and symptoms of a given problem. Ayurvedic eye treatment, on the other hand, works on all possible aspects of a given problem and ensures long-term relief. How? Let’s find out.
How Ayurvedic Eye Treatment Differs From Conventional Treatment?
Ayurveda is the ancient Indian treatment and healing system. It is guided by certain Ayurvedic texts that were written after years of treatment, observation, and research. The highlight of Ayurvedic treatments lies in their holistic approach to overall health and lifestyle. It is a widely accepted treatment option for those who wish to recover permanently without any side effects.
Ayurvedic Ophthalmology deals with all kinds of eye diseases. The treatments begin with the identification of the root cause of a given problem and its intensity. It uses a combination of therapies, herbal medicines, and lifestyle rectifications that treat, recover, and rejuvenate vision with long term effects. The idea is to re-establish the lost connection between nature and the human body, which is considered the basic reason behind most body disorders.
Our eyes are governed by the five elements that form everything else in the universe. The first element is the earth (Prithvi) that dominates the muscular part of the eyes, next is fire (agni) that regulates the blood vessels, air (vayu) that takes care of colour, water (apu) keeps up the white area of the eyes while space (akasha) controls the channels and tear ducts. Our eyes are governed by the Pitta Dosha that loses its balance as we age. This imbalance is one of the key reasons for most age-related visual disorders. Ayurveda takes care of all such problems in the most natural way with promised results.
Ayurvedic Eye Treatment Procedures
Most eye disorders are caused by the vitiation of the three life-sustaining forces: vata, pitta, and kapha. So, the treatment procedures focus on restoring the lost balance and arrest the progress of any degeneration caused by them. The Panchakarma therapies used in the process rectify the cell metabolism and stimulate the regeneration of retina cells and optic nerves. A number of therapies are involved in the course of these treatments:

A highly rejuvenating and powerful process, it involves the application of gram flour-based dough that forms a thick boundary around the eyes. Medicated ghee is then poured over the patient’s eyes. The process works very well in the recovery of vision and eyes from infections, diseases, and degenerative processes.
In this process, liquid medicine is poured inside the inner canthus of the eyes from a specific height. The process is repeated as many times as needed as per the patient’s condition. The main purpose of this therapy is to clean the eye channels (srotas) and detoxify them at a cellular level. The medicine is used at a lukewarm temperature if the condition is caused by vitiation of vata, kapha or pitta dosha.

The process involves the application of medicated paste into the conjunctival fornices via an applicator. The therapy is effective in the treatment of almost all eye disorders, especially the ones resulting from disturbed lifestyles, excessive stress, and age-related disorders. It is used as both a treatment and preventive measure.
Mostly used for the initial stage treatment of disease, the process includes the application of liquid medicines in the form of eye drops. The eye drops are formed with the essence of fruits, leaves, or tree bark. The medicine is poured drop by drop from a height of 1-2 inches.

The nose being the entry point for most microbes, gases, and external elements in the body play a key role in the treatment of eye diseases. Medicinal oils are poured into both the nostrils to remove the accumulated toxins in this part of the body. It can easily oust the toxins located in the head and neck region and relieve the infections affecting the eyes.
This is a purificatory procedure that is used in eliminating the vitiated doshas in much quantity with less stress. Ayurvedic eye treatment is greatly effective in diseases like jaundice, skin disorders. Bronchial asthma, Hemiplegia, and many eye disorders. It is the purgative treatment that cleanses the small intestine and all related pitta dominant organs like the gallbladder, liver, and pancreas. It helps to eliminate pitta related toxins in the form of inflammatory secretions.

In this process, a liquid type of medicine is poured. Thailam (medicated oil) or thakram (medicated buttermilk) are the liquid medicines that are constantly poured for a time period of 50-60 minutes on the temple. This natural eye treatment helps in curing mental stress, nervous disorders, anxiety, insomnia, and migraine.
In this procedure, warm medicated oil (thailam) is retained in a cap kind of structure fitted on the head. Usually, this procedure is done for 35-50 minutes for a time period of 7 days. This ayurvedic eye treatment is considered one of the best treatments for ahead. This is an excellent therapy for all nerve problems like insomnia, facial paralysis, insomnia, depression and serves headaches.

General Eye Care Guidelines
- Avoid sitting and staring at the TV, mobile or laptop screen for hours. The strain caused by constant staring can cause several disorders like dry eyes, myopia, etc.
- If your profession requires you to sit in front of a screen the whole day, make sure to take constant breaks and close your eyes for a few minutes every once in a while.
- If you are fond of reading then make sure that you choose a well-lit corner to sit with your books. Poor lighting can easily compromise your vision.
Try to keep your diet and take an ample amount of Vitamin A in your diet. - Whenever you get up, splash lukewarm or cold water over your eyes for 5-10 minutes. Try to do this process in the morning and in the evening.
- Try to include some eye exercises in your exercise regime. There is a set of yoga exercises designated for the eyes, try to learn that and practise it every day for 5-10 minutes in the morning.