Macular Degeneration Ayurvedic Treatment

Holistic Eye Care: Ayurvedic Treatment for Macular Degeneration

Are you suffering from blurry vision? The blurry vision might be because of macular degeneration. It is a common condition that usually occurs after the age of 50. The central part of the retina known as the macula is affected most. This part of the eye is known for detailed and sharp vision. The vision deteriorates with aging. People usually take it as a normal condition with aging and keep changing their glasses. Although it is common with age, other factors also contribute to this condition.

It is important to identify the major symptoms of this condition and take holistic eye care for the same. There are a lot of treatments available, from conventional medicines to natural remedies, homeopathy, etc. Ayurveda has a unique approach to targeting particular conditions by maintaining the overall health of the individual. Macular degeneration treatment in Ayurveda is very effective. It also involves panchakarma treatment according to the condition.

Types of Macular Degeneration

When we think about aging, the most common thing is weak eyes. Macular degeneration affects most with age.

Dry macular degeneration:

It is the gradual thinning of the macular layer of the eye. This causes dryness in the eyes and is irritable. The patient suffers from this type of degeneration more frequently.

Wet macular degeneration:

It is one of the most difficult types of macular degeneration because it affects the retina of the eyes very severely. The blood vessels in the eyes grow in an abnormal way. They grow in the major part of the retina. The blood vessel leaks a fluid which causes even more rapid vision loss. It is more severe than dry macular degeneration because it affects the patient the most.

Causes for macular degeneration

Macular degeneration can be caused for several reasons, but there are some risk factors you need to consider if you encounter any of the related symptoms.

● Age: If your age is above 50 and you have experienced any of the symptoms, you are at risk of this condition.
● Genetics: Genetics plays an important role in this condition. If someone in your family has matu regeneration you should consider it as a risk for yourself.
● Obesity: After the age of 50 the weight gain and obesity problem increase the risk of this disease.
● Unhealthy diet: If your diet is mostly processed food with fewer antioxidants, it can increase the risk exponentially.
● Smoking: Those who are regular smokers have a high risk of the condition.
● Blood pressure and cholesterol: high blood pressure and high cholesterol are the major contributors to macular degeneration.
● Exposure to the Sun: The sun rays or ultraviolet rays can damage the macula if individuals are excessively exposed to them.
● Certain medical conditions: medical conditions like heart disease or diabetes are usually at high risk for this condition.
● Medications: Certain medications with corticosteroids increase the risk in certain individuals.

Symptoms of macular degeneration

Distortion in central vision

● The most common symptom is blurring of the central field of vision.
● Some very straight or distorted lines appear in the vision field.
● It becomes hard to read small print because of the distortion of letters due to blurry vision.
● You could see the colour faded or different than usual.

Appearance of dark spots

● You could experience a blind spot, a dark spot in your field of vision, which can be large or small.
● Because the central reason becomes distorted, it becomes hard to recognize faces.

Loss of vision

● The patient feels a problem in their central vision. It is found after the disease gets worse.
● Since the vision becomes worse, it becomes challenging to do daily tasks like reading, driving, and watching TV, or in later stages, it becomes hard to walk without any support.

The severity of the condition depends totally on whether it is dry or wet. The symptoms require immediate consultation with a professional eye specialist for a better diagnosis and suitable treatment plan.

Conventional treatment for macular degeneration

When it comes to conventional treatment they do not have any important milestones for macular degeneration but they focus on slowing down the progression and improving the vision for some cases.

Dry macular degeneration

● Antioxidant supplements help to slow down the progression of dry macular
● Supplements like vitamin C, E, and lutein help to slow down the progression.
● Using magnifying glass special lenses to improve the daily activities for low vision.

Wet macular degeneration

● The injection of anti-VEGF is used for primary treatment, which helps in blocking the abnormal growth of blood vessels.
● The surgical process of laser therapy is used to patch up leaky vessels.

Ayurvedic treatment of Macular Degeneration

Ayurveda has specific herbs and therapies that are beneficial for the treatment of macular degeneration and treat them from the root cause.

Herbal treatment

● The classic blend of Triphala, which includes Amlaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki fruit for detoxifying and improving the digestive system to balance the three doshas. It supports overall health.
● Ashwagandha is a stress reducer and beneficial in inflammation, which helps to rejuvenate the macula.
● Shatavari is a nourishing and rejuvenating herb to balances Vata and Pitta dosha.

Panchakarma therapy

● Abhyanga is a full-body massage with herbal oil to improve blood circulation, relax the body and decrease stress. It is a healing therapy to balance all doshas of the body.
● Shirodhara is a gentle stream of warm herbal oil poured from the forehead to soothe the eyes and calm the mind.
● Nasya is administering oil or ghee through the nostrils, which affects eye health, nourishes the tissues of the eyes, and improves dryness.
● Purgation and enema are therapists that help to eliminate the toxins from the body and improve digestion to maintain overall health, which eventually improves eye health.

The ayurvedic treatment of macular degeneration is processed under a qualified ayurvedic practitioner who has proper knowledge of the most appropriate herbal therapy according to specific conditions. The individual dosha imbalance will also be catered to by a personalized treatment plan. Ayurvedic treatments are beneficial, and they have almost all the treatments
for any condition.


Macular degeneration is a very common condition, especially in old age that affects the vision field. Although conventional medicine does not find any cure for the condition, it is important to have early detection and appropriate treatment, which eventually slows down the progression of the condition. It helps in maintaining the visual function.

Ayurvedic treatment plans have a holistic approach that not only helps in managing macular degeneration but also helps in finding underlying imbalances to establish an overall health approach while balancing the doshas. Not only herbs or other remedies are useful in Ayurveda, but panchakarma therapy also proved to be beneficial in reducing the symptoms and supporting better health for the eye to live healthy.

It is important to have a good Ayurvedic practitioner and eye specialist to understand the overall treatment plan, which combines the best approaches to have holistic treatment for individuals with macular degeneration to improve their quality of life.

At Prakash Nethralaya, Rajasthan, our treatment for macular degeneration is designed according to the personalized condition with highly professional and experienced Ayurvedic eye specialists.

For online booking, you can consult online at Prakash Nethrayala.