Ayurvedic treatment for facial paralysis.

Recovering from Facial Paralysis Bell’s Palsy: 10 Ways Ayurveda Offers Natural Relief

In simple words, Bell’s palsy means that you no longer can do anything with your face because it’s in the condition of paralysis. It is very difficult to carry on with your daily chores with a disorder like Bell’s palsy. Generally, people get this sudden paralysis with no prior symptom or alertness, and when you strain with Bell’s palsy, your muscles won’t support in your favor. If you’re looking for a solution that will actually help you with no side effects, then I would suggest going for a natural, holistic approach to recovered, and there’s nothing better than Ayurveda that is natural and long-term. 

For me, Prakash Nethralaya is the best choice to get ayurvedic treatment for facial paralysis.

My Experience with Facial Paralysis and Ayurveda

This is my personal story that actually made me believe in ayurveda and why choosing the best Ayurvedic treatment under expert supervision is important.

A few years ago, I woke up with a strange feeling on the left side of my face. I just couldn’t feel anything except for numbness, and my face was droopy. I was in severe panic because I realised I couldn’t smile or close my eye properly. I went to the doctor as soon as I understood something was definitely wrong with me. They confirmed it was Bell’s palsy. That’s when I discovered Prakash Nethralaya and their Ayurvedic treatment for facial paralysis.

Of course, the journey wasn’t easy, but with a combination of herbal medicines, gentle massages, and dietary and lifestyle changes, I gradually regained control over my facial muscles. Today, I feel completely fine; I can smile, and I’m eternally grateful for Ayurveda’s natural approach. So, if you also are thinking of going natural with Ayurveda, it’s a good step, and you’ll surely see positive results. 

What is Facial Paralysis (Bell’s Palsy)? Understanding It Through Ayurveda

Bell’s palsy, also known as acute peripheral facial palsy, where one can get this at any age and the cause is still unknown. In Ayurveda, Bell’s palsy is known as Ardita. Ayurveda experts believe that one can get affected when there’s an imbalance in the vata dosha, which regulates the movement and communication in the body. Also, factors like stress, exposure to a cold, or viral infections can be considered as contributing factors to this imbalance.

10 Ways Ayurveda Helps You Recover from Facial Paralysis (Bell’s Palsy)

Now, let’s talk about Bell’s palsy Ayurvedic treatment and how Ayurveda aims to address the root cause by restoring balance to your vata dosha. Here are 10 ways it can help you recover:

  1. Investigates the Root Cause: Ayurveda goes beyond treating just the symptoms. It goes deeper to understand the underlying causes in your lifestyle or environment that might have contributed to the condition.
  2. Safe and Effective Herbal Medicines: Unlike conventional medications, Ayurvedic herbs are natural and gentle on the body. At Prakash Nethralaya, they use high-quality, in-house herbal medicines for the fastest and safest recovery.
  3. Holistic Treatment Approach: Ayurveda considers your unique body type and constitution when creating a special treatment plan. This plan might include a combination of:
  • Panchakarma Therapies: These detoxification therapies like Nasya (nasal drops) and Shirodhara (medicated oil flow on the forehead) can help eliminate toxins and improve the effectiveness of herbal remedies.
  • Dietary Guidance: Certain foods like cold and processed items are avoided, while warming spices like turmeric and ginger are encouraged to promote healing.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Adequate sleep, stress management techniques like yoga, and facial exercises become crucial elements in your recovery journey.
  1. Strengthens Facial Muscles: Through facial exercises and massages with medicated oils, Ayurveda helps improve blood circulation and stimulate the weakened facial muscles.
  2. Reduces Inflammation: Ayurvedic herbs possess natural anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce swelling and discomfort associated with Bell’s palsy.
  3. Improves Nerve Function: Certain herbs may help nourish and stimulate the seventh cranial nerve, which controls facial movements.
  4. Provides Long-Term Relief: By addressing the root cause and promoting overall well-being, Ayurveda helps prevent future occurrences of Bell’s palsy.
  5. Reduces Stress and Anxiety: The holistic approach of Ayurveda, including yoga and meditation, can significantly reduce stress and anxiety, which can further aggravate the condition.
  6. Natural and Side-Effect Free: Unlike conventional medications, Ayurvedic treatment has minimal to no side effects.
  7. Empowers You: Ayurveda provides you with the knowledge and tools to actively participate in your healing process. You learn healthy habits that benefit your overall well-being.

Recover with Prakash Nethralaya

If you’re struggling with Bell’s palsy, don’t hesitate to explore the power of Ayurveda. Prakash Nethralaya offers a free online consultation where you can discuss your condition with an experienced Ayurvedic doctor.

Remember, with the right approach and guidance, you can reclaim your smile and regain control of your facial muscles naturally. Take charge of your health today!