ayurvedic treatment for uveitis

Improve Eye Health with Ayurvedic Treatment for Uveitis

Do you feel a burning sensation in your eyes? The reason behind burning inflammatory feelings might be because of uveitis. The middle layer of the eye is known as the uvea. It is an inflammatory condition that often attacks the eye’s middle layer. It significantly affects the vision of an individual. Conventional medicines rely on pharmaceutically prepared medicines that are useful in managing the condition. When it comes to treatment conventional medicines are not working on overall treatment. 

Uveitis treatment in Ayurveda has achieved a significant impact on your vision with a holistic approach to managing the condition. 

Understanding the Ayurvedic perspective for uveitis

As Ayurveda says, if a person is suffering from any disease, it is because of the major three energies or doshas. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the three major doshas that are required to be in balance. If there is any imbalance in the energy then a person can suffer from different ailments. Some factors can affect the condition and serve as the reason for imbalance. 

If a person is consuming excessive spicy, sour or salty food, then the pitta imbalance occurs. If a person is having a lot of stress, lacking sleep or having excessive green time, it can affect their vata. The emotional factors like anger, frustration and anxiety affect the kapha. All these factors need to be managed in order to balance doshas. They are the basic requirement to treat uveitis. If a person understands these triggering factors and works on avoiding them then it will become easier to treat with the ancient Indian medical system, which addresses the root cause and manages the condition. In some cases, people also get over with uveitis, especially in early detection cases.

Symptoms of uveitis

Blurry vision: When the person gets affected by this condition, they usually have difficulty seeing objects as they appear blurry from afar.

Sensitivity to light: The middle layer of the eyes becomes very sensitive to very bright light, and when it gets affected by a certain condition, it becomes oversensitive to even normal lights. 

Pain in the eye: Because of the infection in the eyes, the person can feel a shooting pain in the eyes with the progression of this condition.

Redness: The bloody red colour from the blood vessels of the white part of the eyes makes the eyes extremely red.

Floaters and flashes of lights: The central vision is affected because of uveitis. The defect in central vision results in the appearance of floaters in the field of vision and some flashes of light more often than usual.

Change in pupil: The pupil of the affected eye becomes very much constructed, and it affects the overall appearance of the eyes. Because there is a change in pupil the person can feel a kind of swelling from the inside of the eye.

Conventional treatment for uveitis

Uveitis is not treatable with conventional treatment but they use a combination of medication and procedure to improve the condition and preventing vision loss

Medications: Common medications like corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory but they can also have some side effects. They are used through oral injection eye drops or injecting directly into the eyes for severe conditions. Other medications, like immunosuppressants, are used to reduce the activity of the immune system for less inflammation. Immunosuppressants are required for very severe cases.

Procedures: The procedures like laser therapy and surgery are also used to treat uveitis. Posterior uveitis required laser therapy. Certain conditions, like removal of vitreous gel from the eye, lens replacement or glaucoma, need a surgical process to treat complicated cases.

Treating Uveitis with Ayurveda 

Uveitis involves the combination of a better lifestyle, food habits, remedies and most important therapies. If a person suffering from this condition takes proper care and treatment, then they will have a long term health quality life and fewer side effects than conventional medicine.

Changing diet: It is important to make some dietary modifications to treat the condition and manage the symptom. The individual is required to avoid salty, sour and spicy food. They should also refrain from eating fermented food. For a healthy food habit, the patient should have fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains for better nutrition. It is important to have a balanced diet that contains a good amount of protein, carbohydrate and fat.

Lifestyle modification: The person suffering from uveitis has to adopt a healthy lifestyle. They should avoid stress with relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga and deep breathing. A healthy body requires at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night, which should be the aim of the patient. The hygiene of your eyes is very important, and you should avoid rubbing them excessively. It is important to use a clean cloth to wipe eyes and cool water to rinse.

Herbs: The herbs are effective medication in Ayurveda. Triphala is a herbal blend of balancing dosha and detoxifying. Amalaki is a rich source for antioxidants for reducing inflammation. Ashwagandha is beneficial for managing stress while Shatavari is rejuvenating her to balance hormones and reduce inflammation.

Panchakarma therapy: Panchakarma therapy is a unique blend of therapies designed to relax and have therapeutic effects on the body. Abhyanga is a full-body massage with a unique blend of herbal oil warmed naturally in a wood fire. Sirodhara is using a gentle stream of warm herbal oil through the forehead to relax the individual. Virechana is purgation to eliminate toxins, which is very therapeutic. Basti is medicated with enima therapy which is helpful in cleaning the colon and improving digestion.

Benefits of the Ayurvedic approach 

The Ayurvedic approach is very effective in the treatment of uveitis. The treatment of uveitis in Ayurveda is a major milestone in ophthalmology. Let’s understand the major benefit of going through the Ayurvedic approach. 

  • Ayurvedic treatment provides holistic healing that is caused by an underlying imbalance of vital energy. It also promotes the long-term healing of individuals. 
  • Compared to conventional treatment Ayurvedic treatment has a very general approach that gives very few side effects. The approach is natural, which is a key benefit for long-term disorders.
  • The treatment plan is not in a free-decided format, but they use a personalized approach which is designed according to the root cause of every individual. 
  • If the individual is targeting the root cause, it would help to improve overall well being and quality of life.


Uveitis is a very serious disorder that needs immediate attention from eye specialists. Conventional medicine is effective in managing the symptoms only for certain cases but in the long term, Ayurveda has promising results. The approaches to manage the symptoms of uveitis by understanding the route cause of the condition and incorporating major modifications in diet and lifestyle. They also include beneficial herbal remedies and panchakarma therapy for enhancing the overall quality of life by providing relief from symptoms and improving eye health. 

At Prakash Nethralaya, Rajasthan we provide specialized care for uveitis with certified and experienced Ayurvedic professionals. Our treatment plan is decided after understanding the root causes and the basic nature of the individual body. It helps to devise a treatment plan that perfectly suits you.

For online booking, you can consult online at Prakash Nethrayala